Les Metzineres vam ser premiades per l'Observatori Català de la Justícia a Violència Machista

The Metzineres were awarded by the Catalan Observatory of Justice in Gender Violence

It is the award for the best initiative launched by a private entity: Entorno de derechos Casa Marianne.

Last November 27, the Metzineres attended the awards ceremony of the Catalan Observatory of Justice in Gender Violence (OCJVM) of the Generalitat de Catalunya of the year 2024, where we were awarded for our project “Environment of rights Casa Marianne”, highlighted for being an initiative aimed at the eradication of gender violence in the field of justice.

Casa Marianne is a legal shelter for women criminalized for surviving multiple situations of exclusion that seeks to reduce the impact of barriers to access to rights and provide tools to address the criminalization suffered by women and gender-diverse people who use drugs and survive multiple situations of violence and vulnerability.

From Metzineres we support their work by providing legal advice and support to the women participating in the project, as well as legal representation in those legal proceedings in which they do not have a public defender to represent them.

The awards of the Catalan Observatory of Justice in Gender Violence are given every year and are a way to recognize our work against gender violence and the patriarchal heteronormative system, and also a way to encourage us to continue on this path of building networks and support spaces for every woman who needs it.


MetziAgenda october

Exclusive activities for Metzineres:

  • Guerrilla sewing
  • XADUD (Xarxa de Donxs que Usen Drogues) meetings at the Ateneo del Raval
  • Assembly
  • Monologueando
  • DIRD (Donxs Impulsores de Reducció de Danys) meetings
  • Pa’ella at MACBA
  • Kosmetikin: Natural cosmetics workshop
  • Metzituning: Let’s get pretty together!
  • Crispelis

These are the special activities for october:

Save your calendar!

  • Thursday 24: International Day for the Elimination of Colonialism

Also, always available:

  • MetziSpa
  • Express Naloxone Workshop
  • Health, social and educational support
  • Sleeping during the day
  • Clothes, shower and washing machine
  • Computers and Internet
  • ArtiSana: Art therapy space


Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday from 2pm to 9pm.

Tuesday and Friday from 6pm to 9pm.

Closed on Sunday.


Tearing Down Walls and Uniting Our Voices on International Overdose Awareness Day

By Sophia Vargas

August 31 marked a momentous day dedicated to reflection, remembrance, and action on a topic that remains a global challenge: overdose. This date, known as International Overdose Awareness Day, seeks to break the stigma surrounding substance users, promote prevention, and remember those who have lost their lives due to this cause.

The day originated in Australia in 2001 and has since grown into a global movement. Community organizations, NGOs, health centers, and consumer groups around the world have embraced this date to hold events aimed at reducing stigmatization and providing essential information on how to prevent overdoses and support those at risk.

This year, Metzineres joined forces with the Xarxa de Dones que Usen Drogues (XADUD), Catalan Network of People who Use Drugs (CATNPUD), and Red de Feministas Antiprohibicionistas en el Ámbito de las Drogas (REMA) to create a significant event in memory of those who died from overdoses at Emili Vendrell Square. During this day of advocacy, we raised our voices with key messages. Among them, the need to create more supervised consumption rooms was highlighted: safe spaces where people can consume, which significantly reduces overdose deaths.

Another important point addressed was the need to improve the first responder’s reaction. Many of us users have witnessed or experienced overdoses, making us the first responders in such emergencies. It was emphasized that both we and our friends and family must be informed. Also highlighted was the need for the over-the-counter sale of Naloxone and the availability of nasal Naloxone, an antagonist to reverse opioid overdoses.

The commemorative activities also included an urgent call to break the social stigma surrounding drug users. Stigma not only isolates us but also contributes to many people dying alone, without support or assistance. It was stressed that stigma continues to claim victims, and eliminating it is a shared responsibility of society.

During the day, badges in memory of the victims of the war on drugs, made by Metzineres, were distributed, and texts that resonated with those present were read. Jordi Parramon from CATNPUD and Manu Benedetto from XADUD shared words that reminded us of the importance of the anti-prohibitionist struggle, while Tania Quintana from Metzineres presented a rap titled “Spread Your Wings,” full of strength and hope.

The day concluded with a Mapping by Kostia, where the logo of International Overdose Awareness Day illuminated the walls, along with the names of all those who have died from overdoses. It was a moment of silence, respect, and reflection, where each projected name represented a lost life but also a call to action.

On this day, voices were raised to demand legality, awareness, and distribution of Naloxone for all substance users, along with more testing and supervised consumption spaces.
“Fewer deaths, more information” was the slogan etched in the collective memory at the end of the day. A reminder that the struggle continues and that empathy, knowledge, and action are our best tools to prevent further loss of friends, family, or neighbors.

Photographs: Andre Gaetano, Metzineres Photographer.

MetziAgenda September

Exclusive activities for Metzineres:

  • Guerrilla sewing
  • XADUD (Xarxa de Donxs que Usen Drogues) meetings at the Ateneo del Raval
  • Assembly
  • Monologueando
  • DIRD (Donxs Impulsores de Reducció de Danys) meetings
  • Pa’ella at MACBA
  • Kosmetikin: Natural cosmetics workshop
  • Metzituning: Let’s get pretty together!
  • Crispelis

These are the special activities for September:

Save your calendar!

  • Tuesday 24: Festival of Mercè

Also, always available:

  • MetziSpa
  • Express Naloxone Workshop
  • Health, social and educational support
  • Sleeping during the day
  • Clothes, shower and washing machine
  • Computers and Internet
  • ArtiSana: Art therapy space


Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 2pm to 9pm.

Tuesday from 6pm to 9pm.

Closed on Sunday.


MetziAgenda August

Exclusive activities for Metzineres:

  • Guerrilla sewing
  • XADUD (Xarxa de Donxs que Usen Drogues) meetings at the Ateneo del Raval
  • Assembly
  • DIRD (Donxs Impulsores de Reducció de Danys) meetings
  • Paella at MACBA
  • Excursions and outings
  • Kosmetikin: Natural cosmetics workshop
  • Metzituning: Let’s get pretty together!
  • Crispelis

These are the special activities for august:

Save your calendar!

  • Saturday 31: International Overdose Awareness Day

Also, always available:

  • MetziSpa
  • Express Naloxone Workshop
  • Health, social and educational support
  • Sleeping during the day
  • Clothes, shower and washing machine
  • Computers and Internet
  • ArtiSana: Art therapy space


Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 2pm to 9pm.

Tuesday from 6pm to 9pm.

Closed on Sunday.


Offensive Against Cannabis Clubs: A Regression that Threatens the Rights of Individuals Using Cannabis and Its Derivatives

The Metzineres raise our voices against the closure of cannabis clubs.

The Metzineres firmly oppose the decision by the Barcelona City Council, which, through its prohibitive and regressive policies, has imposed economic sanctions and shut down various cannabis social clubs (CSCs) in the city, jeopardizing an internationally recognized model as a safe and responsible alternative to the unregulated cannabis market.

CSCs have been operating in Barcelona for over 25 years. Since then, they have established themselves as a safe place for consumption, providing reliable information to their members, reducing the risks associated with the unregulated market, and promoting an anti-prohibitionist and stigma-free approach.

The equation is simple: cannabis use will not disappear by prohibiting it; consumption will continue, bringing with it criminalization, stigmatization, and the promotion of violent and abusive policies and practices against us.

CSCs have the potential to support and enhance public policy aimed at improving the health and well-being of consumers and their communities. They allow for a comprehensive approach that, in our case, helps to cope with situations of vulnerability and survive the violence faced by women. While the clubs offer objective information and a safe space providing necessary support in case of consumption-related problems, the city council criminalizes us and forces us to resort to illegal and opaque markets.

While countries such as Uruguay, South Africa, Malta, and Germany already have regulatory legal frameworks for CSCs, the Barcelona City Council makes the arbitrary decision to regress, ignoring robust evidence of the benefits of this pioneering model.

The Metzineres assert that it is urgent to develop drug use policies that respect the human rights of consumers and repair the harm caused by prohibition and criminalization, such as gender violence, imprisonment, and economic and social injustice. It is impossible to build, through prohibitionism, a society where the structural causes of exclusion are eliminated and where everyone has the right to a full, dignified, and violence-free life.


Thousands of voices shouting “Support. Don’t Punish” shook the Rambla del Raval

By Sophia Vargas

On Wednesday, June 26, Metzineres shouted “Support. Don’t Punish,” as part of the Global Day of Action “Support Don’t Punish.” This is how the Rambla del Raval became a vibrant scene of resistance and solidarity where drug users advocated for more humane policies focused on public health and human rights instead of criminalization and punishment.

Early in the morning, Metzineres, along with the Catalan Network of People Who Use Drugs (CATNPUD), the Network of Feminist Antiprohibitionists in the Field of Drugs (REMA), the Ámbit Prevenció Foundation, ABD, and the Network of Women Who Use Drugs (XADUD), gathered to make our message visible: prohibition only serves to punish, stigmatize, and penalize those of us who use drugs, perpetuating various forms of violence on our bodies and our lives, fostering exclusion that leaves us on the margins of society and without our rights.

The activities began with a warm welcome from the neighbors of the Raval neighborhood, who joined in various actions, such as the gymkhana, which consisted of recreational activities involving the community in crucial issues such as antiprohibitionism, institutional violence, sex work, drug use, and the situation of homeless people.

One of the most outstanding activities was the painting of a collective mural, where messages and symbols of resistance and support for people who use drugs and live with HIV/AIDS were captured. The famous mural located at the Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA), “Together We Can Stop AIDS” by artist Keith Haring, was collectively replicated. This iconic artwork conveys a powerful message of unity and collective action, symbolizing the capacity to unite and face challenges together.

Meanwhile, a live radio broadcast gave us the opportunity to learn about the history of prohibitionism in Barcelona. The controversial Plan Endreça, promoted by the city’s public administration, was also discussed, and the negative impact it has on homeless people and drug users, as its measures expose them to more situations of vulnerability and violence.

The radio also served as a platform for the voices of those who have been marginalized to be heard loud and clear. A trans, queer, and bisexual comedian hosted the event, filling the atmosphere with laughter and reinforcing the spirit of inclusion.

The fact that this event took place in a public space had profound significance because the people who are usually on the margins of society occupied the Rambla del Raval, making visible that we deserve and can occupy these spaces, enjoying and expressing ourselves freely without stigma, weaving ties with the community. The neighborhood’s response was very positive.

The day concluded with the conviction that together we can achieve real and significant change to end the criminalization, stigmatization, and violent policies and practices against our communities. As well as ensuring reparation and building a world where the structural causes of exclusion are eliminated and where all people have the right to a full, dignified, and violence-free life.

The global “Support Don’t Punish” day has been held for more than a decade. Since then, it has empowered a global and decentralized network of change agents in drug policy and Harm Reduction.

Photographs: Andre Gaetano, Fotografa Metzineres.

MetziAgenda July

Exclusive activities for Metzineres:

  • Guerrilla sewing
  • XADUD (Xarxa de Donxs que Usen Drogues) meetings at the Ateneo del Raval
  • Assembly
  • DIRD (Donxs Impulsores de Reducció de Danys) meetings
  • Paella at MACBA
  • Excursions and outings
  • Kosmetikin: Natural cosmetics workshop
  • Metzituning: Let’s get pretty together!
  • Crispelis
  • Curiosities suitcase workshop

These are the special activities for July:

Save your calendar!

  • Friday 12th: Raval Festival

Also, always available:

  • MetziSpa
  • Express Naloxone Workshop
  • Health, social and educational support
  • Sleeping during the day
  • Clothes, shower and washing machine
  • Computers and Internet
  • ArtiSana: Art therapy space


Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 2pm to 9pm.

Tuesday from 6pm to 9pm.

Closed on Sunday.


Balance Anual Metzineres 2023: Creando entornos de cobijo para mujerxs que usan drogas y sobreviven a múltiples situaciones de vulnerabilidad y violencia

Las mujeres y personas de género no binario que usamos drogas sobrevivimos a múltiples situaciones de vulnerabilidad y a una amplia gama de violencias. El estigma impulsado por los estados, la criminalización y la corrupción provocan daños sustanciales en materia de salud, seguridad y actúan como barreras entre quienes usamos drogas y los servicios de reducción de daños de espectro completo y de atención en la violencia de género, encontrándonos con barreras y vacíos institucionales que vulneran sistemáticamente nuestros derechos.

Según datos recogidos a nivel mundial, las mujeres que usamos drogas experimentamos cerca de 25 veces más violencia de género que otras mujeres. Esta violencia incluye, entre otras, asesinatos extrajudiciales, pena de muerte, esterilización y abortos forzados y coercitivos, violación, acoso sexual, pérdida de la custodia infantil, encarcelamiento por posesión o uso personal de drogas y penalización por uso de drogas durante el embarazo, junto con otros tipos de violaciones, estigma y discriminaciones de género.

Es de vital importancia dar cuenta de estas realidades y del impacto de las políticas y prácticas que inciden en la cotidianidad, así como de las propias actuaciones de Metzineres. Para ello, generamos, y damos seguimiento a indicadores diariamente, a partir de elementos significativos para las mujerxs, parte imprescindible del diseño, implementación, monitorización y evaluación de todos los proyectos y prácticas que realizamos y que condicionan sus recorridos vitales.

La responsabilidad de originar información genuina, cuidadosa y actualizada, desde nuestro modelo de abordaje holístico, nos hace dotar de instrumentos de investigación no intrusivos, respetuosos de intimidad, confidencialidad y anonimato. Aplicarlos como proceso rutinario, más que de manera finalista, permite conocer disponibilidad, cobertura, calidad y relevancia de las intervenciones, haciendo una revisión rigurosa y permitiendo tomar decisiones pragmáticas para reconfigurar constantemente Metzineres a coyunturas y poblaciones en las que se quiere repercutir.

Disminuir el prejuicio, estigma y discriminación, perseverando hacer efectivos los derechos pasa por desarrollar prácticas, herramientas de acción, y de investigación que reconozcan la interseccionalidad, aportando datos reales, veraces y actualizados sobre estas realidades complejas y cambiantes, así como de las políticas y actuaciones, exitosas o no, que las encaran.

Es por ello que, cada año, presentamos nuestro balance anual donde podrais conocer al detalle cuál es la situación de las mujerxs usuarias de drogas que acuden a Metzineres, como así también el camino recorrido para poder construir un mundo donde las causas estructurales de exclusión sean eliminadas y que todas tengamos derechos a una vida plena, digna y libre de violencias, independientemente de la raza, la clase, la condición migratoria, la situación laboral o las elecciones en relación al consumo de sustancias.

Para mayor información, podéis descargar nuestro informe aquí


Lila Fest: Rocking the Stage and Shattering Stigma

By Sophia Vargas

“This world is moving, it’s very violent. Burn the natural, burn the world, burn the system, to start again..,” rapped Tania, a Metzinera, on a wooden stage. Her rhymes piled up one after another, ready to break stereotypes and confront various forms of violence, at the first edition of Lila Fest, last Saturday, May 25th, in the North Station Park in Barcelona.

As an epicenter of resistance, sisterhood, and unity, from eleven in the morning until eight at night, Lila Fest stood as a space dedicated to making visible and combating sexist violence through cultural, artistic, and community activities.

Tania’s connection with the audience came through each rhyme. Her energy and passion spread through her music, followed by Luana, another Metzinera, who took us on a journey through flamenco, reinterpreting pain and stepping into the shoes of thousands of womxn. Her performance was a testimony of resilience and reinvention, reflecting her ability to overcome adversity.

But Luana’s talent is not limited to dance. The artist also designed and made her own outfit for the occasion: a black dress with gold finishes, shiny texture, and large fringes. A Sevillian scarf completed her attire.

Like Luana and Tania, the Metzineres are protagonists in the spaces we inhabit, and this was no exception. We went to Lila Fest with a clear objective: to rock the stage and shatter stigma. Because we dream of a world where the structural causes of exclusion are eliminated and everyone has the right to a full, dignified, and violence-free life, regardless of race, class, immigration status, employment situation, or choices related to substance use, and one way to do this is through art.

Throughout the day, the festival offered a variety of activities including workshops, debates, theater, dance, live music, and exhibitions. We had the opportunity to raise our voice on “Radio Lila Fest,” a space for live programs and podcasts, where we shared with radio hosts and activists from the feminist movement.

The success of this first edition of Lila Fest has generated palpable enthusiasm for future editions. We celebrated the diverse forms of artistic expression, reaffirmed the importance of fighting against sexist violence, and building a more just and equitable world for all.

Without a doubt, Lila Fest has marked the beginning of a cultural and social revolution that will continue to grow.

Photographs: Andre Gaetano, Metzineres Photographer.