
MetziAgenda of March 2023

Weekly activity calendar for Metzineres participants. This month we have:

  • Guerrilla sewing with Franche PuntadaLibre and Sindillar
  • Fanzine Workshop with Yolanda from MACBA
  • Meetings of the XADUD (Network of Womxn who Use Drugs), at Ágora Juan Andrés Benítez
  • Mani-Cure with La Neisha
  • Feminist self-defense with Mireia
  • Assembly
  • DIRD Meetings (Womxn Promoters of Harm Reduction)
  • Prente’l Pel: Hairdressing with Nani
  • Monologueando: Monologues workshop, with Vidda Priego
  • Pa’Ella: The Friday paella in the Ágora Juan Andrés Benítez
  • Crispelis: Movies and popcorn!

March special activities:

  • Friday 3: MetziRadio, at the Ágora Juan Andrés Benítez
  • Sunday 5: Fleadonia Market, with the MetziParadeta
  • Tuesday 7: Night demonstration “Se va a armar la gorda”
  • Wednesday 8: 8M feminist strike
  • Friday 17: MetziRadio, at the Ágora Juan Andrés Benítez
  • Friday 31: International Trans Visibility Day

Also, always available:

  • MetziSpa
  • Express Naloxona Workshop
  • Health, social and educational support
  • Daydream
  • Clothing, shower and washing machine
  • Computers and Internet
  • ArtiSana: Art-therapy space

Opening hours:

  • Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday* and Saturday from 14 to 21h.
  • Tuesday 16 to 21h.
  • Sunday is closed.

* On Fridays we are in the Agora Juan Andrés Benítez with our Pa’Ella, from noon until 17h, aprox. After that, we go to our site.

Metzineres’ site address:
Carrer de la Lluna, 3
Raval (Barcelona)

Address of the Ágora Juan Andrés Benítez:
Carrer de l’Aurora, 13
Barri del Raval (Barcelona)


En memòria de les companyes que ens han deixat: Sou llavor

Com cada 16 de febrer −i en un any especialment dur−, les Metzineres vam sortir al carrer per commemorar la mort de la Tatiana i de la resta de companyes que ja no hi són. Aquelles que es van haver d’enfrontar a un sistema que invisibilitza, exclou i criminalitza les donxs que usen substàncies sobrevivint a situacions de violència.

Entre torxes i màscares, vam iniciar el recorregut de la marxa al carrer de la Lluna del Raval, seu del local de Metzineres. A les pancartes, sostingudes per amigues i companyes, es podien llegir dues frases: “La raó per la qual avui som una” i “Si ens callen a una, cridem totes”. Consignes contra el silenci i l’abandonament institucional, així com un recordatori dels valors que caracteritzen aquesta comunitat.

Una autodefensa feminista que inclogui a totxs

La primera parada va ser a l’antic local de Metzineres, on es va llegir un manifest en el qual es recordaven els inicis d’aquest camí: “Ens van donar una casa per construir-la juntes (…) un espai nostre, per a dones, trans i no binàries”. Al text, escrit per les participants autoorganitzades a la Xarxa de Donxs que Usen Drogues −organització precursora de Metzineres−, també es va fer referència a tot allò après des d’aleshores: “Vam aprendre la paraula ‘estigma’, tot i que carregàvem amb ell sense saber el que significava (…) està clar que no tenim un lloc privilegiat a la societat, però no som víctimes: som expertes en sobreviure”. Les presents, emocionades, escoltàvem un ‘fado’ cantat per una companya, mentre unes altres penjaven una sabata de taló amb una espelma a la pared.

Més endavant, a la porta d’un pis de consum, es va assenyalar que els únics espais que tenen moltes vegades les donxs són precisament espais no segurs, on pateixen agressions i vulneracions de drets de tot tipus. “Per això, necessitem una autodefensa feminista que ens inclogui a totes, també a les que normalment quedem fora. O ens organitzem, o ningú ens defensa”, recordava la directora de Metzineres, Aura Roig. Així mateix, la germana d’una de les companyes també va dir unes paraules: “Ningú no es mereix això. Ella tampoc no s’ho mereixia. Parlo en nom de tota la meva família: us estimem a totes les que éreu amb ella quan no estava amb nosaltres”.

Sota el lema #SouLlavor, perquè hi ha la certesa que aquelles que ens han deixat ens fan més fortes, la marxa va continuar fins a la Plaça del Pes de la Palla. Allà es va fer la tercera parada, en honor a una altra de les companyes que avui ens falten. En aquest cas, una de les seves amigues va dedicar-li una cançó de rap, mentre unes altres penjaven a la paret imatges d’un taller de fotografia organitzat per Metzineres al qual va assistir la companya.

Un secret a crits

L’últim punt del recorregut va ser la Basílica de Sant Josep Oriol, on van trobar la Tatiana. “Amb la Tatiana va fallar tot. Estava a l’espera de rebre tractament i tenia moltes ganes de seguir cuidant de la seva criatura. Però el suport, com sempre, va arribar tard. El sistema hauria d’haver pogut respondre a les seves necessitats a temps. Nosaltres vam denunciar la situació de violència que ella vivia. Mai s’ha resolt el que va passar, i no hi ha hagut transparència, però és un secret a crits”, van expressar les companyes, amb ràbia i emoció a parts iguals.

Ràbia, perquè sabem que són morts que podien i haurien d’haver-se evitat, a les quals han contribuït les polítiques prohibicionistes promulgades per les institucions, així com el sistema cisheteropatriarcal que ens destina a la precarietat a tots els nivells i ens ubica en els marges. Emoció perquè estem juntes. Perquè ens acompanyem i seguim aquí, combatives, fent soroll, exposant públicament el nostre dol i fent-nos caliu.

Les Metzineres vam penjar les màscares i l’última sabata de taló, en record de la Tatiana. Finalment, vam enunciar les nostres demandes: “Volem manifestar la necessitat d’establir lleis i estratègies legals no discriminatòries que busquin la inclusió, el respecte i la defensa per la vida, deixant enrere el càstig i la lluita contra les donxs que utilitzem drogues (…) demanem que es reconeguin els nostres drets: l’accés al mercat laboral i a l’habitatge, l’acompanyament en la maternitat i una atenció sanitària de qualitat”.

Texo: Judit Vela
Fotografía: Andre Gaetano


MetziAgenda of Februrary 2023

Weekly activity calendar for Metzineres participants. This month we have:

  • Guerrilla sewing with Franche PuntadaLibre and Sindillar
  • Fanzine Workshop with Yolanda from MACBA
  • Meetings of the XADUD (Network of Womxn who Use Drugs), at Ágora Juan Andrés Benítez
  • Mani-Cure with La Neisha
  • Feminist self-defense with Mireia
  • Assembly
  • DIRD Meetings (Womxn Promoters of Harm Reduction)
  • Prente’l Pel: Hairdressing with Nani
  • Monologueando: Monologues workshop, with Vidda Priego
  • Pa’Ella: The Friday paella in the Ágora Juan Andrés Benítez
  • Crispelis: Movies and popcorn!

February special activities:

  • Sunday 5: Intersectional feminist day at the Casal de Joves La Traca: Round table + vermouth and lunch by Metzineres
  • Sunday 5: Fleadonia
  • Friday 10 y 24: MetziRadio at Àgora Juan Andrés Benítez
  • Tuesday 14: Love Positive Womxn
  • Thursday 16: Tribute to Tatiana

Also, always available:

  • MetziSpa
  • Express Naloxona Workshop
  • Health, social and educational support
  • Daydream
  • Clothing, shower and washing machine
  • Computers and Internet
  • ArtiSana: Art-therapy space

Opening hours:

  • Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday* and Saturday from 14 to 21h.
  • Tuesday 16 to 21h.
  • Sunday is closed.

* On Fridays we are in the Agora Juan Andrés Benítez with our Pa’Ella, from noon until 17h, aprox. After that, we go to our site.

Address of the site of the Metzineres:
Carrer de la Lluna, 3
Raval (Barcelona)

Address of the Ágora Juan Andrés Benítez:
Carrer de l’Aurora, 13
Barri del Raval (Barcelona)


MetziRadio: Nuevos programas inéditos

Tenemos un regalito para vosotrxs: Acabamos de publicar 9 capítulos inéditos de la MetziRadio!

Para quien todavía no lo sepa, la MetziRadio es un laboratorio sociocultural que destila autodeterminación a partir de experiencias y vivencias singulares de las Metzineres. Y es que ante el fuerte impacto de los procesos de gentrificación, múltiples y complejas realidades del Raval resisten al desarraigo, generando espacios de cohesión multicultural, como es este proyecto de radio comunitaria.

El violento estado de transformación se enfrenta a las voces de sus habitantes, no dispuestas ni a apagarse ni a desaparecer, honorando la fama y renombre de aquel Barrio Xino que el Raval hereda con orgullo. De entre todas estas voces, las más marginadas. Las voces de mujeres y personas de género diverso, las Metzineres, sobreviviendo múltiples violencias y vulnerabilidades a partir de generar espacios autónomos y libres. La creatividad que nace de la precariedad.

La MetziRadio se cuece algunos viernes del mes al Ágora Juan Andrés Benítez, al mismo tiempo que a 3 metros se cuece el arroz de la nuestra Pa’Ella de rigor. Se hace gracias a la generosidad de las participantes de Metzineres, que en cada programa se abren y nos cuentan sus historias y experiencias, de las que tanto podemos aprender. Y como no, a la colaboración clave de aliadxs como por ejemplo Vidda Priego, Marta Molina, Ramón González, Regli Amapola, Laia Seró y muchxs invitadxs que nos traen su mirada para abrir el foco y la mente.

La MetziRadio empezó el 2020, publicándose la primera temporada en 2021 en colaboración con el Teatre Arnau Itinerant. Los episodios que compartimos con vosotros a continuación son grabados y editados en 2021 y 2022 (su atemporalidad hace que todavía sean actuales!). Así pues, id escuchándolos y os esperamos en nuestras redes sociales para que nos contéis que os han parecido!

Mientras tanto, la 4ª temporada está a punto de salir de la cazuela, así que seguidnos en YouTube y a *iVoox que pronto vendremos cargadas con más historias 😉



MetziAgenda of January 2023

Weekly activity calendar for Metzineres participants. This month we have:

  • Guerrilla sewing
  • Fanzine Workshop
  • Meetings of the XADUD (Network of Womxn who Use Drugs), at Ágora Juan Andrés Benítez
  • Mani-Cure
  • Feminist self-defense
  • Assembly
  • DIRD Meetings (Womxn Promoters of Harm Reduction)
  • Prente’l Pel: Hairdressing with Nani
  • Monologueando: Monologues workshop, with Vidda Priego
  • Pa’Ella: The Friday paella in the Ágora Juan Andrés Benítez
  • Crispelis: Movies and popcorn!

January special activities:

  • Sunday 15: Metzineres’ stall selling at Fleadonia Market
  • Friday 20: MetziRadio

Also, always available:

  • MetziSpa
  • Express Naloxona Workshop
  • Health, social and educational support
  • Daydream
  • Clothing, shower and washing machine
  • Computers and Internet
  • ArtiSana: Art-therapy space

Opening hours:

  • Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday* and Saturday from 14 to 21h.
  • Tuesday 16 to 21h.
  • Sunday is closed.

* On Fridays we are in the Agora Juan Andrés Benítez with our Pa’Ella, from noon until 17h, aprox. After that, we go to our site.

Address of the site of the Metzineres:
Carrer de la Lluna, 3
Raval (Barcelona)

Address of the Ágora Juan Andrés Benítez:
Carrer de l’Aurora, 13
Barri del Raval (Barcelona)


The fanzine of the EVAWUD2022 campaign

Here is one of the latest creations that the Metzineres participants have made within the workshop “Fanzine: Getting to know each other with Metzineres”, during the campaign #EVAWUD2022 – 16 Days of Action for the Elimination of Violence Against Women who Use Drugs.

We do this workshop every Monday since the beginning of 2020, and is managed by Yolanda Jolis, coordinator and educator of the Department of Education of the MACBA – Museum of Contemporary Art of Barcelona. A collaboration that has been made seeking to create a space of trust and complicity in which the participants of Metzineres can meet and discover, in the strategies of contemporary art, tools for personal and community empowerment. Starting with the creation of a fanzine meant kindly opening a new creative space where they could display their voices, their imaginaries, their writings, the issues that concern and affect them.

Soon we will show you more powerful fanzines created by Metzineres in recent months and years, meanwhile, check out this work!


MetziAgenda of December 2022

Weekly activity calendar for Metzineres participants. This month we have:

  • Guerrilla sewing
  • Fanzine Workshop
  • Meetings of the XADUD (Network of Womxn who Use Drugs), at Ágora Juan Andrés Benítez
  • Mani-Cure
  • Feminist self-defense
  • Assembly
  • DIRD Meetings (Womxn Promoters of Harm Reduction)
  • Prente’l Pel: Hairdressing with Nani
  • Monologueando: Monologues workshop, with Vidda Priego
  • Pa’Ella: The Friday paella in the Ágora Juan Andrés Benítez
  • MetziRadio at Ágora Juan Andrés Benítez (biweekly)
  • Crispelis: Movies and popcorn!

December special activities:

  • Thursday 1st: International AIDS Day
  • Sunday 4th: Fleadonia Market
  • Saturday 10th: International Human Rights Day
  • Saturday 17th: International Day for Eliminating Violence against Sex Workers
  • Saturday 24th: Christmas lunch

Also, always available:

  • MetziSpa
  • Express Naloxona Workshop
  • Health, social and educational support
  • Daydream
  • Clothing, shower and washing machine
  • Computers and Internet
  • ArtiSana: Art-therapy space

Opening hours:

  • Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday* and Saturday from 14 to 21h.
  • Tuesday 16 to 21h.
  • Sunday is closed.

* On Fridays we are in the Agora Juan Andrés Benítez with our Pa’Ella, from noon until 17h, aprox. After that, we go to our site.

Address of the site of the Metzineres:
Carrer de la Lluna, 3
Raval (Barcelona)

Address of the Ágora Juan Andrés Benítez:
Carrer de l’Aurora, 13
Barri del Raval (Barcelona)


EVAWUD2022 Campaign: 16 Days of Action for the Elimination Of Violence Against Womxn Who Use Drugs

With the International Campaign for the Elimination of Violence Against Women 2022, the Women and Harm Reduction International Network (WHRIN) and Metzineres with campaign partners YouthRISE, EuroNPUD and EWNA call for an end to all forms of violence against women and non-binary people who use drugs. The EVAWUD campaign highlights the need to end violence against women and non-binary people (from now on, “womxn”) who use drugs and improve drug policies from a human rights and harm reduction perspective.

Womxn who use drugs are subject to extreme levels and a wide range of violence due to punitive prohibition of some drugs. State-driven stigma, criminalisation and corruption drive substantive health and safety harms and act as barriers between women who use drugs and critical harm reduction and gender-based violence (GBV) services. Womxn who use drugs experience GBV at up to around 25 times the rate experienced by other women in the general public. This violence includes, (but is not limited to) extra judicial killing and capital punishment, forced and coerced sterilisation and abortion, rape, sexual harassment, loss of child custody, imprisonment for mere personal possession or use, penalisation for drug use in pregnancy and other types of gendered violations, stigma and discrimination.

Womxn who use drugs around the world can face arbitrary detention, extortion, police violence, torture and ill-treatment, with well over a third of women in prison for drug offences and with the incarceration of women for drug offences spiking globally by 53% since 2000. Due to the war on drugs, survivors have little recourse and often no support, particularly in cases of violence from police, prison guards and compulsory ‘treatment’ centre staff. The experiences of violence against women who use drugs are even more extreme for those facing intersecting discrimination, such as women of colour, sex workers, or trans women. Additionally, youth, young women and young non-binary people face additional barriers due to policies and laws on age restrictions for access to essential health and harm reduction services.

These conditions have only worsened during COVID-19 restrictions which have created contexts that have escalated GBV without matching responses for womxn who use drugs experiencing violence. WHRIN, Metzineres and partners note that, by collaborating with groups of women who use drugs and documenting peer led actions and services, the appropriate responses to these inequities and violations are clear.

Meaningful community involvement must feature as the cornerstone to all good practice responses in developing GBV services. As the criminalisation of drug use stands as the primary barrier between womxn who use drugs and attainment of human rights including the right to safety, access to harm reduction and other essential health services, decriminalisation is also imperative. Expansion of harm reduction and inclusion of violence mitigation and gender sensitive, affirming and age-appropriate support services are also critical. It is also noted that sexual and reproductive health is now promoted as an additional essential service that should be incorporated within the harm reduction suite of services for people who use drugs, and that best practice service delivery integrates comprehensive GBV services.

Metzineres and WHRIN, EuroNPUD, YouthRISE and ENWA call for an end to the war on drugs to end this violence against womxn who use drugs. Legislation and legal principles, procedures, policies, programmes and practices relating to criminal justice must be reviewed to determine if they are adequate to prevent and eliminate violence against women and non-binary people who use drugs or if they have a negative impact and, if they do, to modify them in order to ensure that people who use drugs enjoy fair and equal treatment.

Please join us in ensuring adequate resources and legislative frameworks uphold the safety and human rights of women and non-binary people who use drugs!



Pasado, presente y futuro del régimen internacional de control de drogas

No te pierdas el webinar ‘Pasado, presente y futuro del régimen internacional de control de drogas’, un curso en el que se analizará el papel que desempeña la sociedad civil en las políticas internacionales de drogas.

Además, se evaluarán los logros conseguidos en esta materia durante los últimos años, así como el alcance de la participación de las entidades sociales en la toma de decisiones y en las estrategias llevadas a cabo.

El encuentro online, que se desarrollará en dos sesiones, los días 23 y 29 de noviembre en horario de 16:00 a 17:00 horas, está impulsado por la Comisión de Políticas Globales de UNAD con el apoyo de IDPC. En estas dos jornadas, representantes institucionales y de entidades como ICEERS, Instituto Ría, IDPC, LANPUD y Metzineres, compartirán conocimientos y opiniones sobre una realidad que marca el trabajo diario con las personas usuarias.

Para seguir las sesiones es necesario inscribirse en este enlace.



MetziAgenda of November 2022

Weekly activity calendar for Metzineres participants. This month we have:

  • Guerrilla sewing
  • Fanzine Workshop
  • Meetings of the XADUD (Network of Womxn who Use Drugs), at Ágora Juan Andrés Benítez
  • Kosmetikín: Natural cosmetics workshop
  • Feminist self-defense
  • Assembly
  • DIRD Meetings (Womxn Promoters of Harm Reduction)
  • Prente’l Pel: Hairdressing with Nani
  • Monologueando: Monologues workshop, with Vidda Priego
  • Pa’Ella: The Friday paella in the Ágora Juan Andrés Benítez
  • MetziRadio at Ágora Juan Andrés Benítez (biweekly)
  • Cabaret (biweekly)
  • Crispelis: Movies and popcorn!

November special activities:

Sunday 6th: Flea Market
Sunday 20th: International Trans Remembrance Day
Wednesday 23rd: Homeless People’s Day
Friday 25th: International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Womxn, and start of the #16Days campaign

Also, always available:

  • MetziSpa
  • Express Naloxona Workshop
  • Health, social and educational support
  • Daydream
  • Clothing, shower and washing machine
  • Computers and Internet
  • ArtiSana: Art-therapy space

Opening hours:

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday* and Saturday from 14 to 21h.
Tuesday 16 to 21h.
Sunday is closed.
* On Fridays we are in the Agora Juan Andrés Benítez with our Pa’Ella, from noon until 17h, aprox. After that, we go to our site.

Address of the site of the Metzineres:
Carrer de la Lluna, 3
Raval (Barcelona)

Address of the Ágora Juan Andrés Benítez:
Carrer de l’Aurora, 13
Barri del Raval (Barcelona)