The use of cannabis as a treatment of multiple diseases and illnesses has been documented over time in many cultures.
Many participants in Metzineres use this plant for different reasons. Some of us do so for pleasure, others to relief physical discomfort, to face different situations of vulnerability, stigma and violence that we survive from. We use cannabis to reduce pain, to modulate the effect of other psychoactive substances with more associated risks, in food disorders, to withstand the side effects of chemotherapy, in sleep disturbances, anxiety, distress, and in alleviating stress from fear and trauma, among others.
“Cannabis as a harm reduction tool” resource has been inspired by the experiences of Metzineres’ project participants and with the collaboration of other drugs and gender experts.
It is a tool based on harm reduction full spectrum philosophy, designed to be peer-to-peer shared and to push a debate in the community and in drug policy field about a reality not often discussed and researched.
This leaflet is available in Catalan, Spanish and English. We call on both individuals and organizations to download and share it through their networks.
Idea and texts: Metzineres
Financed by: Fundació Alchimia Solidaria
With the support of: RDRCannabis, ICEERS Foundation AND REMA
Illustrations: Maligneando
English: Cannabis as a harm reduction tool
Català: Cannabis com a eina de reducció de danys
Castellano: Cannabis como herramienta de reducción de daños