
Advocada amb experiència en la defensa jurídica de Drets Humans

Advocada amb experiència en la defensa jurídica de Drets Humans.

Metzineres és una cooperativa sense ànim de lucre amb seu al barri del Raval (Barcelona), que crea entorns d’aixopluc per a dones i persones de gènere divers que usen drogues i sobreviuen a múltiples situacions de vulnerabilitat i violència.

Cerquem advocada amb experiència en drets humans i amb coneixement en feminisme interseccional per incorporació immediata, a jornada parcial, per assistir a les funcions que es realitzen des de l’àrea de drets de la cooperativa: assessorament i orientació jurídica, acompanyament en la realització de tràmits davant dels jutjats i/o administració, representació lletrada en aquells procediments judicials que es decideixi de forma coordinada amb la resta de l’equip.

El teu dia a dia

A Metzineres volem ampliar l’àrea de drets per seguir desplegant estratègies legals per tal de reduir els impactes que les polítiques punitives sobre drogues i la criminalització de la pobresa tenen en la vida de les dones i persones de gènere no binari que ens acompanyen. Juntament amb la referent de casos de l’àrea de drets, realitzaràs tasques d’assessorament i acompanyament jurídic, en relació als diferents assumptes legals que els puguin afectar.

El funcionament de Metzineres busca implicació i horitzontalitat. La participació en la presa de decisions és real, i cada professional participa activament des de diferents responsabilitats i des del seu àmbit d’actuació. Per això, hi ha un temps que es dedica a trobades i reunions per reflexionar conjuntament i prendre decisions col·lectives, articulades en diferents espais de decisió.

Ets una persona…

  • Empàtica i amb una actitud positiva davant de qualsevol situació de la vida. Saps que amb
  • humor i picardia, les coses es gestionen millor!
  • Tens paciència i practiques una escolta activa.
  • T’agrada compartir allò que saps amb lxs altres.
  • Tens il·lusió per mantenir i enfortir, de manera sostenible, la coherència a la teva organització.
  • Ets resolutiva i recursiva, i tens capacitat d’improvisació. Els problemes són reptes per a tu.
  • T’agrada aprendre i innovar, ets una persona curiosa.
  • T’agrada establir llaços interpersonals autèntics i honestos.
  • Tens iniciativa i pensament crític i aportes solucions.
  • Et sents còmoda testejant, fallant i aprenent dels errors i les experiències per fer-ho millor la
  • pròxima vegada.

El que necessitem

  • Almenys un any d’experiència com advocada penalista
  • Idiomes: Català i castellà
  • Incorporació immediata
  • Competències tècniques: Maneig d’aplicacions ofimàtiques i eines en línia; habilitat en l’ús d’eines de treball en equip.

El que faràs

  • Assumir la responsabilitat d’atenció directa i acompanyament integral a dones i persones de gènere divers en ús actiu de drogues i sobrevivint múltiples situacions de vulnerabilitat i violència.
  • Assessorar, acompanyar i orientar jurídicament a totes les dones i persones de gènere divers participants de Metzineres.
  • Actuació en aquelles situacions d’urgència que siguin atribuïdes (acompanyaments a comissaria, al jutjat de guàrdia, etc.) i gestió dels recursos necessaris per tal d’atendre cada situació plantejada
  • Acompanyar en la gestió de tràmits judicials i/o administratius.
  • Acompanyar en l’elaboració i presentació d’escrits davant dels jutjats i/o davant l’administració.
  • Facilitació de la representació legal de les dones i persones de gènere divers i coordinació amb els advocats/ades del torn d’ofici.
  • Assumir la representació lletrada en aquells procediments judicials que es decideixi de forma coordinada amb la resta de l’equip.
  • Seguiment i acompanyament a les dones i persones de gènere divers de Metzineres privades
  • de llibertat.
  • Coordinació amb altres entitats amb servei d’orientació jurídica gratuïta i derivació d’aquells casos que es decideixi de forma coordinada amb la resta de l’equip.

El que valorem positivament

  • Formació i/o experiència en la defensa jurídica dels Drets Humans.
  • Formació i/o experiència en las defensa de víctimes de violències masclistes i violències sexuals.
  • Formació i/o experiència en Dret d’Estrangeria, Dret Penitenciari i en procediments sancionadors de l’Administració Pública.
  • Coneixement d’una tercera llengua, principalment anglès llegit i parlat.
  • Experiència en activisme per un canvi en polítiques de drogues, drets humans, reducció de danys i feminisme interseccional.
  • Estar familiaritzada amb la mirada de gènere, les polítiques de drogues i/o el treball amb persones en situació de vulnerabilitat.

Durada i condicions laborals

  • Tipus de contracte temporal per substitució.
  • Jornada de 20h setmanals, amb horari flexible.
  • Lloc de treball semipresencial.

Sobre Metzineres

Les dones i persones de gènere no binari que usen drogues sobrevivint a múltiples violències i situacions de vulnerabilitat, difícilment entren o s’adhereixen a les xarxes d’atenció sociosanitària, i sovint són excloses dels serveis especialitzats tant en drogues com en violències masclistes.

Davant d’aquesta situació, el 2018 neix Metzineres, dirigida a desplegar Entorns d’Aixopluc, exclusivament per ellxs, que integra al seu model d’abordatge l’espectre complet de reducció de danys, el feminisme interseccional i l’engranatge d’iguals. Després de tres anys caminant sota el paraigua d’altres organitzacions, en 2020 Metzineres es converteix en cooperativa sense ànim de lucre i comença un procés d’independència com a entitat que actualment està sent culminat. Aquesta circumstància, unida als anys de treball i experiència, ha donat lloc a una estabilitat i a una maduresa com a projecte que ens permet albirar una emocionant projecció cap al futur.


Interessades enviar currículum i carta de presentació a abans del 13 de gener de 2025.

oferta laboral abogada

Abogada con experiencia en la defensa jurídica de Derechos Humanos

Metzineres es una cooperativa sin ánimo de lucro con sede en el barrio del Raval (Barcelona) que crea entornos de acogida para mujeres y personas de género diverso que usan drogas y sobreviven a múltiples situaciones de vulnerabilidad y violencia.

Buscamos una abogada con experiencia en derechos humanos y con conocimiento en feminismo interseccional para incorporación inmediata, a tiempo parcial, para asistir en las funciones del área de derechos de la cooperativa: asesoramiento y orientación jurídica, acompañamiento en trámites ante los juzgados y/o administración, y representación letrada en los procedimientos judiciales que se decidan de forma coordinada con el resto del equipo.

Tu día a día

En Metzineres queremos ampliar el área de derechos para seguir desplegando estrategias legales que reduzcan los impactos que las políticas punitivas sobre drogas y la criminalización de la pobreza tienen en la vida de las mujeres y personas de género no binario que nos acompañan. Junto con la referente de casos del área de derechos, realizarás tareas de asesoramiento y acompañamiento jurídico en relación a los diferentes asuntos legales que les puedan afectar.

El funcionamiento de Metzineres busca implicación y horizontalidad. La participación en la toma de decisiones es real, y cada profesional participa activamente desde diferentes responsabilidades y desde su ámbito de actuación. Por eso, hay un tiempo destinado a reuniones y encuentros para reflexionar conjuntamente y tomar decisiones colectivas, articuladas en diferentes espacios de decisión.

Eres una persona…

  • Empática y con una actitud positiva ante cualquier situación de la vida. ¡Sabes que con humor y picardía las cosas se gestionan mejor!
  • Tienes paciencia y practicas una escucha activa.
  • Te gusta compartir lo que sabes con los/las demás.
  • Tienes ilusión por mantener y fortalecer, de manera sostenible, la coherencia en tu organización.
  • Eres resolutiva y recursiva, con capacidad de improvisación. Los problemas son retos para ti.
  • Te gusta aprender e innovar, eres una persona curiosa.
  • Te agrada establecer lazos interpersonales auténticos y honestos.
  • Tienes iniciativa, pensamiento crítico y aportas soluciones.
  • Te sientes cómoda probando, equivocándote y aprendiendo de los errores y experiencias para hacerlo mejor la próxima vez.

Lo que necesitamos

  • Al menos un año de experiencia como abogada penalista
  • Idiomas: catalán y español
  • Incorporación inmediata
  • Competencias técnicas: manejo de aplicaciones ofimáticas y herramientas en línea; habilidad en el uso de herramientas de trabajo en equipo.

Lo que harás

  • Asumir la responsabilidad de atención directa y acompañamiento integral a mujeres y personas de género diverso en uso activo de drogas y sobreviviendo a múltiples situaciones de vulnerabilidad y violencia.
  • Asesorar, acompañar y orientar jurídicamente a todas las mujeres y personas de género diverso participantes de Metzineres.
  • Actuar en situaciones de urgencia asignadas (acompañamientos a comisaría, juzgado de guardia, etc.) y gestionar los recursos necesarios para atender cada situación planteada.
  • Acompañar en la gestión de trámites judiciales y/o administrativos.
  • Acompañar en la elaboración y presentación de escritos ante los juzgados y/o administración.
  • Facilitar la representación legal de mujeres y personas de género diverso y coordinar con los abogados/as del turno de oficio.
  • Asumir la representación letrada en aquellos procedimientos judiciales que se decidan de forma coordinada con el resto del equipo.
  • Hacer seguimiento y acompañamiento a las mujeres y personas de género diverso de Metzineres privadas de libertad.
  • Coordinar con otras entidades que ofrezcan servicios de orientación jurídica gratuita y derivar aquellos casos que se decidan de forma coordinada con el resto del equipo.

Lo que valoramos positivamente

  • Formación y/o experiencia en la defensa jurídica de Derechos Humanos.
  • Formación y/o experiencia en la defensa de víctimas de violencias machistas y violencias sexuales.
  • Formación y/o experiencia en Derecho de Extranjería, Derecho Penitenciario y en procedimientos sancionadores de la Administración Pública.
  • Conocimiento de una tercera lengua, principalmente inglés, hablado y escrito.
  • Experiencia en activismo por un cambio en políticas de drogas, derechos humanos, reducción de daños y feminismo interseccional.
  • Familiaridad con la perspectiva de género, políticas de drogas y/o el trabajo con personas en situación de vulnerabilidad.

Duración y condiciones laborales

  • Tipo de contrato temporal por sustitución.
  • Jornada de 20 horas semanales, con horario flexible.
  • Trabajo semipresencial.

Sobre Metzineres

Las mujeres y personas de género no binario que usan drogas y sobreviven a múltiples violencias y situaciones de vulnerabilidad difícilmente ingresan o se adhieren a las redes de atención sociosanitaria y, a menudo, son excluidas de los servicios especializados tanto en drogas como en violencias machistas.

Ante esta situación, en 2018 surge Metzineres, dirigida a desplegar Entornos de Acogida exclusivamente para ellas, integrando en su modelo de abordaje el espectro completo de reducción de daños, el feminismo interseccional y el engranaje de iguales. Tras tres años bajo el paraguas de otras organizaciones, en 2020 Metzineres se convierte en cooperativa sin ánimo de lucro e inicia un proceso de independencia que actualmente está culminando. Esta circunstancia, sumada a años de trabajo y experiencia, ha dado lugar a una estabilidad y madurez del proyecto que nos permite vislumbrar una emocionante proyección hacia el futuro.

Interesadas enviar curriculum y carta de presentación a antes del 13 de enero de 2025.


Job offer Lawyer

Lawyer with experience in human rights advocacy.

Metzineres is a non-profit cooperative based in the Raval neighborhood (Barcelona) that creates shelter environments for women and gender-diverse people who use drugs and survive multiple situations of vulnerability and violence.

We are looking for a lawyer with experience in human rights and knowledge of intersectional feminism for immediate, part-time incorporation to support the cooperative’s rights area with legal advice and guidance, accompaniment in court and administrative procedures, and legal representation in judicial cases decided in coordination with the team.

Your day-to-day

At Metzineres, we want to expand our rights area to continue developing legal strategies aimed at reducing the impact that punitive drug policies and the criminalization of poverty have on the lives of the women and non-binary individuals we support. Alongside the case manager from the rights area, you will provide legal counseling and guidance on various legal issues that may affect them.

The functioning of Metzineres values involvement and horizontality. Decision-making participation is real, and every professional is actively involved from their area of expertise. Therefore, time is dedicated to meetings for collective reflection and decision-making across different decision-making spaces.

You are…

  • Empathetic and positive in any situation. You know that humor and wit make things more manageable!
  • Patient and practice active listening.
  • Eager to share what you know with others.
  • Committed to maintaining and strengthening organizational coherence sustainably.
  • Resourceful and capable of improvisation. Problems are challenges for you.

Curious, and you enjoy learning and innovating.

  • Comfortable building genuine and honest interpersonal bonds.
  • You have initiative, critical thinking, and bring solutions.
  • You’re comfortable testing, failing, and learning from mistakes and experiences to improve next time.

What we need

  • At least one year of experience as a criminal defense lawyer
  • Languages: Catalan and Spanish
  • Immediate availability
  • Technical skills: Proficient with office applications and online tools; team collaboration tools.

What you will do

  • Take responsibility for direct support and comprehensive accompaniment for women and gender-diverse individuals who actively use drugs and survive various vulnerable and violent situations.
  • Provide legal advice, accompaniment, and guidance to all women and gender-diverse people involved in Metzineres.
  • Respond in urgent situations (accompanying to the police station, duty court, etc.) and manage the resources necessary for each case.
  • Assist with judicial and/or administrative procedures.
  • Support in drafting and presenting documents to courts and/or administration.
  • Facilitate legal representation for women and gender-diverse people and coordinate with court-appointed lawyers.
  • Act as legal representation in cases decided in coordination with the team.
  • Track and support Metzineres women and gender-diverse individuals deprived of liberty.
  • Coordinate with other entities providing free legal guidance and refer cases as decided by the team.

Preferred qualifications

  • Training and/or experience in human rights defense.
  • Experience defending victims of gender and sexual violence.
  • Training and/or experience in immigration law, prison law, and in dealing with sanctions from public administration.
  • Knowledge of a third language, especially spoken and written English.
  • Activism experience in drug policy reform, human rights, harm reduction, and intersectional feminism.
  • Familiarity with gender perspectives, drug policy, and/or working with vulnerable individuals.

Duration and working conditions

  • Temporary contract for substitution.
  • 20 hours per week with flexible hours.
  • Hybrid work arrangement.

About Metzineres

Women and non-binary people who use drugs while surviving multiple forms of violence and vulnerability rarely access or adhere to health and social care networks and are often excluded from specialized services in drugs and gender violence.

In response, Metzineres was born in 2018, aimed at creating Shelter Environments exclusively for them, integrating the full harm reduction spectrum, intersectional feminism, and peer support. After three years under the umbrella of other organizations, in 2020, Metzineres became a non-profit cooperative and began a process of independence, now nearing completion. This journey, along with years of experience, has led to stability and maturity, allowing us to envision a promising future.

Interested candidates, please send your CV and cover letter to


Job Offer at Metzineres: Nurse

Metzineres is a non-profit cooperative based in the Raval neighborhood (Barcelona), creating safe environments for women and gender-diverse people who use drugs and survive multiple situations of vulnerability and violence.

We are looking for a nurse with knowledge in intersectional feminism and harm reduction. We encourage women with lived experiences as migrants, lesbians, bisexual and trans women, gender-diverse people, racialized women, indigenous and Afro-descendant women, or women with functional diversity, to apply for this job offer.

Your Day to Day

At Metzineres, we incorporate a holistic vision of health along with a full-spectrum harm reduction perspective. Moreover, we believe that health is built in community. Therefore, beyond basic nursing functions such as consumption accompaniment, wound care, medication administration, etc., there is participation in coordination with other services and participation in meetings and training sessions with various advocacy spaces.

The functioning of Metzineres seeks involvement and horizontality. Participation in decision-making is real, and each professional actively participates from different responsibilities and from their field of action. For this reason, there is time dedicated to meetings and gatherings to reflect together and make collective decisions, articulated in different decision-making spaces.

What We Need

  • Nursing degree
  • Knowledge in risk and harm reduction in the use of psychoactive substances, transfeminism, gender-based violence, human rights
  • Immediate incorporation
  • High level of Catalan and Spanish
  • Flexibility and ability to adapt to the changing reality of Metzineres
  • Teamwork and cooperation
  • Commitment to feminist, anti-prohibitionist, anti-colonialist, and rights defense values

What You Will Do

  • Participate in an interdisciplinary team in the Raval SIE, accompanying women in situations of multiple violence, mainly in afternoon shifts
  • Accompany consumption and attend to other needs of the women who come to the facility
  • Coordinate with other services and resources from both standardized social care networks and other informal community and neighborhood networks

What We Value Positively

  • Master’s/Postgraduate degree in gender, drug policies and/or care for people who use drugs in vulnerable situations, including gender-based violence
  • At least one year of experience in harm reduction; addressing gender-based violence; dealing with people in multiple situations of vulnerability; community work
  • Experience in activism for change in drug policies, human rights, harm reduction, and/or intersectional feminism
  • Knowledge of English
  • Curiosity, problem-solving skills, and a desire to innovate
  • Lived experience in surviving multiple vulnerability situations

Duration and Working Conditions

  • Contract type: permanent
  • Workplace: El Raval neighborhood
  • Schedule: full-time (38.5 hours from Monday to Saturday, afternoon shift)
  • Salary: 2,000 euros gross per month, with prorated extra payments
  • Integration into a healthcare team with two other nurses

How to apply?

Complete our website form or send your CV and a motivation letter to and


Social educator

Metzineres is a nonprofit cooperative based in the Raval neighborhood (Barcelona), creating safe environments for women and gender-diverse individuals who use drugs and survive multiple situations of vulnerability and violence.

We are looking for a social educator to join our intervention team full-time. This person will be responsible for managing the daily operations of the space with the women. We encourage women with lived experience as migrants, lesbians, bisexual, trans, gender-diverse, racialized, Indigenous, and Afro-descendant women, or women with functional diversity to apply for this position.

Interested individuals should send a motivation letter and resume or LinkedIn profile to

Your day-to-day…

Your daily activities will involve direct attention to the personal needs of the women participants, accompaniment, and leadership in the activities and workshops held in the space.

You will work from a peer-based approach, which involves promoting participation channels and strategies in conflict management.

You will also participate in community actions aimed at creating social connections within the neighborhood. Additionally, you will be actively involved in the design and implementation of advocacy events related to political activism.

Metzineres operates with involvement and horizontality. Participation in decision-making is genuine, and every professional actively contributes from their area of responsibility. Therefore, time is dedicated to meetings and gatherings to reflect together and make collective decisions in various decision-making spaces.

You are a person who…

  • Is empathetic and maintains a positive attitude in any situation. You know that with humor and wit, things are managed better!
  • Has patience and practices active listening.
  • Enjoys sharing knowledge with others.
  • Is passionate about sustainably maintaining and strengthening coherence within your organization.
  • Is resourceful and capable of improvisation. Challenges are opportunities for you.
  • Enjoys learning and innovating, and is curious by nature.
  • Values authentic and honest interpersonal relationships.
  • Takes initiative, has critical thinking, and provides solutions.
  • Feels comfortable trying, failing, and learning from mistakes and experiences to improve next time.

What we need

  • Education: Diploma, Degree, or Bachelor’s in Social Education.
  • Experience: At least 1 year in harm reduction; addressing gender-based violence; working with people in multiple situations of vulnerability; community and/or street work.
  • Knowledge in: harm reduction in the use of psychoactive substances, transfeminism, gender-based violence, human rights.

What we value

  • Master’s/Postgraduate degree in gender, drug policy, and/or working with people in situations of social vulnerability.
  • Experience in activism for drug policy change, human rights, harm reduction, and intersectional feminism.
  • Experience in networked work and community action.
  • Knowledge of a third language, mainly spoken and written English or other Eastern European languages.
  • Lived experience in surviving situations of multiple vulnerability.


  • High proficiency in Catalan and Spanish
  • Initiative and problem-solving attitude
  • Flexibility and adaptability to the changing reality of Metzineres
  • Teamwork and cooperation
  • Commitment to feminist, anti-prohibitionist, anti-colonialist principles, and human rights advocacy
  • Leadership
  • Analytical and critical thinking
  • Intercultural sensitivity
  • Strategic vision
  • Networking and collaboration

What you will do

  • Take responsibility for direct care and comprehensive support for women and non-binary people who are actively using drugs and surviving multiple situations of violence.
  • Facilitate activities and workshops with women and non-binary people.
  • Record information for each action in the established computer systems.
  • Know and follow protocols, procedures, and work instructions, and communicate through Metzineres’ coordinator and management team, as well as propose improvements you deem appropriate for the services.
  • Prepare social and action reports.
  • Contribute to individual assessments for prioritization proposals.
  • Participate in team meetings.
  • Participate in some community events and activities.
  • Coordinate with other services and resources, both within standard social care networks and other informal community and neighborhood networks.
  • Contribute to the design and leadership of Metzineres’ intervention model, from a holistic and transdisciplinary perspective.

Duration and work conditions

  • Type of contract: Permanent
  • Workplace: Raval neighborhood, with the possibility of travel for support purposes
  • Schedule: 38.5 hours per week, primarily in the afternoon shift
  • Salary: According to the Social Action Agreement and profile

Why Metzineres

  • We are a young cooperative with a horizontal structure, offering opportunities for growth and development.
  • Genuine creativity, transformative passion, and radical tenderness are among our core values.
  • Possibility of becoming a cooperative member in the future.
  • Access to training.
  • Access to services of the Cooperative of Health and Integrative Medicine Cos at member prices.

About Metzineres

Women and gender-diverse people who use drugs and survive multiple forms of violence and vulnerability often struggle to access or engage with social and health care networks, and are frequently excluded from specialized services, both for drugs and gender-based violence.

In response to this situation, Metzineres was established in 2018 to create Safe Environments exclusively for them, integrating the full spectrum of harm reduction, intersectional feminism, and peer-based approaches into its intervention model.

After three years under the umbrella of other organizations, Metzineres became an independent nonprofit cooperative in 2020, completing a process of independence that is currently being finalized. This, combined with years of work and experience, has led to stability and maturity as a project, allowing us to envision an exciting future.
After a long journey of learning and growth, today we can say that Metzineres is composed of a cohesive group of people involved in decision-making, participatory and responsible, where companionship, solidarity, and mutual support prevail.
Thanks to this social ecosystem that has developed, and the need to consolidate it, along with the recent approval of some projects for future development, Metzineres is expanding its team! We aim to grow in diversity, heterogeneity, and complexity without losing unity.