
Job offer Lawyer

Lawyer with experience in human rights advocacy.

Metzineres is a non-profit cooperative based in the Raval neighborhood (Barcelona) that creates shelter environments for women and gender-diverse people who use drugs and survive multiple situations of vulnerability and violence.

We are looking for a lawyer with experience in human rights and knowledge of intersectional feminism for immediate, part-time incorporation to support the cooperative’s rights area with legal advice and guidance, accompaniment in court and administrative procedures, and legal representation in judicial cases decided in coordination with the team.

Your day-to-day

At Metzineres, we want to expand our rights area to continue developing legal strategies aimed at reducing the impact that punitive drug policies and the criminalization of poverty have on the lives of the women and non-binary individuals we support. Alongside the case manager from the rights area, you will provide legal counseling and guidance on various legal issues that may affect them.

The functioning of Metzineres values involvement and horizontality. Decision-making participation is real, and every professional is actively involved from their area of expertise. Therefore, time is dedicated to meetings for collective reflection and decision-making across different decision-making spaces.

You are…

  • Empathetic and positive in any situation. You know that humor and wit make things more manageable!
  • Patient and practice active listening.
  • Eager to share what you know with others.
  • Committed to maintaining and strengthening organizational coherence sustainably.
  • Resourceful and capable of improvisation. Problems are challenges for you.

Curious, and you enjoy learning and innovating.

  • Comfortable building genuine and honest interpersonal bonds.
  • You have initiative, critical thinking, and bring solutions.
  • You’re comfortable testing, failing, and learning from mistakes and experiences to improve next time.

What we need

  • At least one year of experience as a criminal defense lawyer
  • Languages: Catalan and Spanish
  • Immediate availability
  • Technical skills: Proficient with office applications and online tools; team collaboration tools.

What you will do

  • Take responsibility for direct support and comprehensive accompaniment for women and gender-diverse individuals who actively use drugs and survive various vulnerable and violent situations.
  • Provide legal advice, accompaniment, and guidance to all women and gender-diverse people involved in Metzineres.
  • Respond in urgent situations (accompanying to the police station, duty court, etc.) and manage the resources necessary for each case.
  • Assist with judicial and/or administrative procedures.
  • Support in drafting and presenting documents to courts and/or administration.
  • Facilitate legal representation for women and gender-diverse people and coordinate with court-appointed lawyers.
  • Act as legal representation in cases decided in coordination with the team.
  • Track and support Metzineres women and gender-diverse individuals deprived of liberty.
  • Coordinate with other entities providing free legal guidance and refer cases as decided by the team.

Preferred qualifications

  • Training and/or experience in human rights defense.
  • Experience defending victims of gender and sexual violence.
  • Training and/or experience in immigration law, prison law, and in dealing with sanctions from public administration.
  • Knowledge of a third language, especially spoken and written English.
  • Activism experience in drug policy reform, human rights, harm reduction, and intersectional feminism.
  • Familiarity with gender perspectives, drug policy, and/or working with vulnerable individuals.

Duration and working conditions

  • Temporary contract for substitution.
  • 20 hours per week with flexible hours.
  • Hybrid work arrangement.

About Metzineres

Women and non-binary people who use drugs while surviving multiple forms of violence and vulnerability rarely access or adhere to health and social care networks and are often excluded from specialized services in drugs and gender violence.

In response, Metzineres was born in 2018, aimed at creating Shelter Environments exclusively for them, integrating the full harm reduction spectrum, intersectional feminism, and peer support. After three years under the umbrella of other organizations, in 2020, Metzineres became a non-profit cooperative and began a process of independence, now nearing completion. This journey, along with years of experience, has led to stability and maturity, allowing us to envision a promising future.

Interested candidates, please send your CV and cover letter to


Job Offer at Metzineres: Nurse

Metzineres is a non-profit cooperative based in the Raval neighborhood (Barcelona), creating safe environments for women and gender-diverse people who use drugs and survive multiple situations of vulnerability and violence.

We are looking for a nurse with knowledge in intersectional feminism and harm reduction. We encourage women with lived experiences as migrants, lesbians, bisexual and trans women, gender-diverse people, racialized women, indigenous and Afro-descendant women, or women with functional diversity, to apply for this job offer.

Your Day to Day

At Metzineres, we incorporate a holistic vision of health along with a full-spectrum harm reduction perspective. Moreover, we believe that health is built in community. Therefore, beyond basic nursing functions such as consumption accompaniment, wound care, medication administration, etc., there is participation in coordination with other services and participation in meetings and training sessions with various advocacy spaces.

The functioning of Metzineres seeks involvement and horizontality. Participation in decision-making is real, and each professional actively participates from different responsibilities and from their field of action. For this reason, there is time dedicated to meetings and gatherings to reflect together and make collective decisions, articulated in different decision-making spaces.

What We Need

  • Nursing degree
  • Knowledge in risk and harm reduction in the use of psychoactive substances, transfeminism, gender-based violence, human rights
  • Immediate incorporation
  • High level of Catalan and Spanish
  • Flexibility and ability to adapt to the changing reality of Metzineres
  • Teamwork and cooperation
  • Commitment to feminist, anti-prohibitionist, anti-colonialist, and rights defense values

What You Will Do

  • Participate in an interdisciplinary team in the Raval SIE, accompanying women in situations of multiple violence, mainly in afternoon shifts
  • Accompany consumption and attend to other needs of the women who come to the facility
  • Coordinate with other services and resources from both standardized social care networks and other informal community and neighborhood networks

What We Value Positively

  • Master’s/Postgraduate degree in gender, drug policies and/or care for people who use drugs in vulnerable situations, including gender-based violence
  • At least one year of experience in harm reduction; addressing gender-based violence; dealing with people in multiple situations of vulnerability; community work
  • Experience in activism for change in drug policies, human rights, harm reduction, and/or intersectional feminism
  • Knowledge of English
  • Curiosity, problem-solving skills, and a desire to innovate
  • Lived experience in surviving multiple vulnerability situations

Duration and Working Conditions

  • Contract type: permanent
  • Workplace: El Raval neighborhood
  • Schedule: full-time (38.5 hours from Monday to Saturday, afternoon shift)
  • Salary: 2,000 euros gross per month, with prorated extra payments
  • Integration into a healthcare team with two other nurses

How to apply?

Complete our website form or send your CV and a motivation letter to and


Enderrocant murs i unint les nostres veus en el Dia Internacional de Conscienciació sobre les Sobredosis

Per Sophia Vargas

El 31 d’agost va marcar una jornada transcendent dedicada a la reflexió, la memòria i l’acció sobre un tema que segueix sent un repte global: la sobredosi. Aquesta data, coneguda com el Dia Internacional de Conscienciació sobre les Sobredosis, busca trencar l’estigma que ens envolta a les persones usuàries de substàncies, promoure la prevenció i recordar aquelles que han perdut la vida a causa d’aquesta causa.

El dia es va originar a Austràlia l’any 2001 i, des de llavors, ha crescut fins a convertir-se en un moviment global. Organitzacions comunitàries, ONGs, centres de salut i grups de consumidors de tot el món han adoptat aquesta data per realitzar actes que busquen reduir l’estigmatització i proporcionar informació essencial sobre com prevenir la sobredosi i donar suport a les persones en risc.

Aquest any, les Metzineres ens hem unit a la Xarxa de Dones que Usen Drogues (XADUD), Catalan Network of People who Use Drugs (CATNPUD) i Red de Feministas Antiprohibicionistas en el Ámbito de las Drogas (REMA) per crear un gran acte en memòria de les persones mortes per sobredosi a la plaça Emili Vendrell. Durant aquesta jornada de reivindicació hem alçat la veu amb missatges clau. Entre ells, es va destacar la necessitat de crear més sales de consum acompanyat: espais segurs on les persones podem consumir, cosa que redueix significativament les morts per sobredosi.

Un altre dels punts abordats va ser la importància de millorar la resposta del primer intervinent. Moltes persones usuàries hem presenciat o experimentat sobredosis, cosa que ens converteix en els primers respondents davant d’una emergència d’aquest tipus. Es va insistir en la necessitat que estiguem informats tant nosaltres com els nostres amics i familiars. Així com la venda de Naloxona lliure i la disposició de Naloxona nasal, un antagonista per revertir les sobredosis d’opiacis.

Les activitats commemoratives també van incloure una crida urgent a trencar l’estigma social que envolta les persones usuàries de drogues. L’estigma no només ens aïlla, sinó que també contribueix a que moltes persones morin soles, sense suport ni assistència. Es va fer èmfasi que l’estigma continua cobrant víctimes, i que eliminar-lo és una responsabilitat compartida per tota la societat.

Durant la jornada es van repartir xapes en memòria de les víctimes de la guerra contra les drogues, realitzades per Metzineres, i es van llegir textos que van ressonar entre els presents. Jordi Parramon de CATNPUD i Manu Benedetto de la XADUD van compartir les seves paraules que van recordar la importància de la lluita antiprohibicionista, mentre que Tania Quintana de Metzineres va presentar un rap titulat «Obrir les Ales», ple de força i esperança.

La jornada va concloure amb un Mapping a càrrec de Kostia, on el logotip del Dia Internacional de Conscienciació sobre les Sobredosis va il·luminar els murs, juntament amb els noms de totes les persones mortes per sobredosi. Va ser un moment de silenci, respecte i reflexió, on cada nom projectat va representar una vida perduda, però també una crida a l’acció.

Aquest dia, les veus es van alçar per exigir legalitat, conscienciació i distribució de Naloxona per a totes les persones usuàries de substàncies, juntament amb més espais de testatge i consum acompanyat.
«Menys morts, més informació» va ser el lema que va quedar gravat en la memòria col·lectiva al final de la jornada. Un recordatori que la lluita continua, i que l’empatia, el coneixement i l’acció són les nostres millors eines per prevenir més pèrdues d’amics, familiars o veïns.

Fotografies: Andre Gaetano, Fotògrafa Metzineres

Tearing Down Walls and Uniting Our Voices on International Overdose Awareness Day

By Sophia Vargas

August 31 marked a momentous day dedicated to reflection, remembrance, and action on a topic that remains a global challenge: overdose. This date, known as International Overdose Awareness Day, seeks to break the stigma surrounding substance users, promote prevention, and remember those who have lost their lives due to this cause.

The day originated in Australia in 2001 and has since grown into a global movement. Community organizations, NGOs, health centers, and consumer groups around the world have embraced this date to hold events aimed at reducing stigmatization and providing essential information on how to prevent overdoses and support those at risk.

This year, Metzineres joined forces with the Xarxa de Dones que Usen Drogues (XADUD), Catalan Network of People who Use Drugs (CATNPUD), and Red de Feministas Antiprohibicionistas en el Ámbito de las Drogas (REMA) to create a significant event in memory of those who died from overdoses at Emili Vendrell Square. During this day of advocacy, we raised our voices with key messages. Among them, the need to create more supervised consumption rooms was highlighted: safe spaces where people can consume, which significantly reduces overdose deaths.

Another important point addressed was the need to improve the first responder’s reaction. Many of us users have witnessed or experienced overdoses, making us the first responders in such emergencies. It was emphasized that both we and our friends and family must be informed. Also highlighted was the need for the over-the-counter sale of Naloxone and the availability of nasal Naloxone, an antagonist to reverse opioid overdoses.

The commemorative activities also included an urgent call to break the social stigma surrounding drug users. Stigma not only isolates us but also contributes to many people dying alone, without support or assistance. It was stressed that stigma continues to claim victims, and eliminating it is a shared responsibility of society.

During the day, badges in memory of the victims of the war on drugs, made by Metzineres, were distributed, and texts that resonated with those present were read. Jordi Parramon from CATNPUD and Manu Benedetto from XADUD shared words that reminded us of the importance of the anti-prohibitionist struggle, while Tania Quintana from Metzineres presented a rap titled «Spread Your Wings,» full of strength and hope.

The day concluded with a Mapping by Kostia, where the logo of International Overdose Awareness Day illuminated the walls, along with the names of all those who have died from overdoses. It was a moment of silence, respect, and reflection, where each projected name represented a lost life but also a call to action.

On this day, voices were raised to demand legality, awareness, and distribution of Naloxone for all substance users, along with more testing and supervised consumption spaces.
«Fewer deaths, more information» was the slogan etched in the collective memory at the end of the day. A reminder that the struggle continues and that empathy, knowledge, and action are our best tools to prevent further loss of friends, family, or neighbors.

Photographs: Andre Gaetano, Metzineres Photographer.

Derribando muros y uniendo nuestras voces en el Día Internacional de concientización sobre las sobredosis

Por Sophia Vargas

El 31 de agosto marcó una jornada trascendental dedicada a la reflexión, la memoria y la acción en torno a un tema que sigue siendo un reto global: la sobredosis. Esta fecha, conocida como el Día Internacional de Concientización sobre las sobredosis, busca romper el estigma que nos rodea a las personas usuarias de sustancias, promover la prevención y recordar a quienes han perdido la vida debido a esta causa.

El día se originó en Australia en 2001 y, desde entonces, ha crecido hasta convertirse en un movimiento global. Organizaciones comunitarias, ONGs, centros de salud y grupos de consumidores de todo el mundo han adoptado esta fecha para realizar actos que buscan reducir la estigmatización y proporcionar información esencial sobre cómo prevenir la sobredosis y apoyar a las personas en riesgo.

Este año las Metzineres nos hemos unido a la Xarxa de Dones que Usen Drogues (XADUD), Catalan Network of People who Use Drugs (CATNPUD) y Red de Feministas Antiprohibicionistas en el Ámbito de las Drogas (REMA) para crear un gran acto en memoria de las personas muertas por sobredosis en la plaza Emili Vendrell. Durante esta jornada de reivindicación hemos levantado la voz con mensajes clave. Entre ellos, se destacó la necesidad de crear más salas de consumo acompañado:  espacios seguros donde las personas podemos consumir, lo que reduce significativamente las muertes por sobredosis.

Otro de los puntos abordados fue la importancia de mejorar la respuesta del primer interviniente. Muchas personas usuarias hemos presenciado o experimentado sobredosis, lo que nos convierte en los primeros respondientes ante una emergencia de este tipo. Se insistió en la necesidad de que estemos informadxs tanto nosotrxs como nuestrxs amigxs y familiares. Así como la venta de Naloxona libre y la disposición de Naloxona nasal, un antidoto para revertir las sobredosis de opiáceos.

Las actividades conmemorativas incluyeron también un llamado urgente a romper el estigma social que  rodea a las personas usuarias de drogas. El estigma no solo nos aísla, sino que también contribuye a que muchas personas mueran solas, sin apoyo ni asistencia. Se hizo hincapié en que el estigma sigue cobrando víctimas, y que eliminarlo es una responsabilidad compartida por toda la sociedad.

Durante la jornada se repartieron chapas en memoria de las víctimas de la guerra contra las drogas, realizadas por Metzineres, y se leyeron textos que resonaron entre los presentes. Jordi Parramon de CATNPUD y Manu Benedetto de la XADUD compartieron sus palabras que recordaron la importancia de la lucha antiprohibicionista, mientras que Tania Quintana de Metzineres presentó un rap titulado «Abrir las Alas», lleno de fuerza y esperanza.

La jornada concluyó con un Mapping a cargo de Kostia, donde el logo del Día Internacional de Concientización sobre las Sobredosis iluminó los muros, junto con los nombres de todas las personas fallecidas por sobredosis. Fue un momento de silencio, respeto y reflexión, donde cada nombre proyectado representó una vida perdida, pero también un llamado a la acción.

Este día, las voces se alzaron para exigir legalidad, concientización y distribución de Naloxona para todas las personas usuarias de sustancias, junto a más espacios de testeo y consumo acompañado.  

«Menos muertes, más información” fue el lema que quedó grabado en la memoria colectiva al final de la jornada. Un recordatorio de que la lucha continúa, y que la empatía, el conocimiento y la acción son nuestras mejores herramientas para prevenir más pérdidas de amigxs, familiares o vecinxs.

 Fotografías: Andre Gaetano, Fotógrafa Metzineres.

Social educator

Metzineres is a nonprofit cooperative based in the Raval neighborhood (Barcelona), creating safe environments for women and gender-diverse individuals who use drugs and survive multiple situations of vulnerability and violence.

We are looking for a social educator to join our intervention team full-time. This person will be responsible for managing the daily operations of the space with the women. We encourage women with lived experience as migrants, lesbians, bisexual, trans, gender-diverse, racialized, Indigenous, and Afro-descendant women, or women with functional diversity to apply for this position.

Interested individuals should send a motivation letter and resume or LinkedIn profile to

Your day-to-day…

Your daily activities will involve direct attention to the personal needs of the women participants, accompaniment, and leadership in the activities and workshops held in the space.

You will work from a peer-based approach, which involves promoting participation channels and strategies in conflict management.

You will also participate in community actions aimed at creating social connections within the neighborhood. Additionally, you will be actively involved in the design and implementation of advocacy events related to political activism.

Metzineres operates with involvement and horizontality. Participation in decision-making is genuine, and every professional actively contributes from their area of responsibility. Therefore, time is dedicated to meetings and gatherings to reflect together and make collective decisions in various decision-making spaces.

You are a person who…

  • Is empathetic and maintains a positive attitude in any situation. You know that with humor and wit, things are managed better!
  • Has patience and practices active listening.
  • Enjoys sharing knowledge with others.
  • Is passionate about sustainably maintaining and strengthening coherence within your organization.
  • Is resourceful and capable of improvisation. Challenges are opportunities for you.
  • Enjoys learning and innovating, and is curious by nature.
  • Values authentic and honest interpersonal relationships.
  • Takes initiative, has critical thinking, and provides solutions.
  • Feels comfortable trying, failing, and learning from mistakes and experiences to improve next time.

What we need

  • Education: Diploma, Degree, or Bachelor’s in Social Education.
  • Experience: At least 1 year in harm reduction; addressing gender-based violence; working with people in multiple situations of vulnerability; community and/or street work.
  • Knowledge in: harm reduction in the use of psychoactive substances, transfeminism, gender-based violence, human rights.

What we value

  • Master’s/Postgraduate degree in gender, drug policy, and/or working with people in situations of social vulnerability.
  • Experience in activism for drug policy change, human rights, harm reduction, and intersectional feminism.
  • Experience in networked work and community action.
  • Knowledge of a third language, mainly spoken and written English or other Eastern European languages.
  • Lived experience in surviving situations of multiple vulnerability.


  • High proficiency in Catalan and Spanish
  • Initiative and problem-solving attitude
  • Flexibility and adaptability to the changing reality of Metzineres
  • Teamwork and cooperation
  • Commitment to feminist, anti-prohibitionist, anti-colonialist principles, and human rights advocacy
  • Leadership
  • Analytical and critical thinking
  • Intercultural sensitivity
  • Strategic vision
  • Networking and collaboration

What you will do

  • Take responsibility for direct care and comprehensive support for women and non-binary people who are actively using drugs and surviving multiple situations of violence.
  • Facilitate activities and workshops with women and non-binary people.
  • Record information for each action in the established computer systems.
  • Know and follow protocols, procedures, and work instructions, and communicate through Metzineres’ coordinator and management team, as well as propose improvements you deem appropriate for the services.
  • Prepare social and action reports.
  • Contribute to individual assessments for prioritization proposals.
  • Participate in team meetings.
  • Participate in some community events and activities.
  • Coordinate with other services and resources, both within standard social care networks and other informal community and neighborhood networks.
  • Contribute to the design and leadership of Metzineres’ intervention model, from a holistic and transdisciplinary perspective.

Duration and work conditions

  • Type of contract: Permanent
  • Workplace: Raval neighborhood, with the possibility of travel for support purposes
  • Schedule: 38.5 hours per week, primarily in the afternoon shift
  • Salary: According to the Social Action Agreement and profile

Why Metzineres

  • We are a young cooperative with a horizontal structure, offering opportunities for growth and development.
  • Genuine creativity, transformative passion, and radical tenderness are among our core values.
  • Possibility of becoming a cooperative member in the future.
  • Access to training.
  • Access to services of the Cooperative of Health and Integrative Medicine Cos at member prices.

About Metzineres

Women and gender-diverse people who use drugs and survive multiple forms of violence and vulnerability often struggle to access or engage with social and health care networks, and are frequently excluded from specialized services, both for drugs and gender-based violence.

In response to this situation, Metzineres was established in 2018 to create Safe Environments exclusively for them, integrating the full spectrum of harm reduction, intersectional feminism, and peer-based approaches into its intervention model.

After three years under the umbrella of other organizations, Metzineres became an independent nonprofit cooperative in 2020, completing a process of independence that is currently being finalized. This, combined with years of work and experience, has led to stability and maturity as a project, allowing us to envision an exciting future.
After a long journey of learning and growth, today we can say that Metzineres is composed of a cohesive group of people involved in decision-making, participatory and responsible, where companionship, solidarity, and mutual support prevail.
Thanks to this social ecosystem that has developed, and the need to consolidate it, along with the recent approval of some projects for future development, Metzineres is expanding its team! We aim to grow in diversity, heterogeneity, and complexity without losing unity.


Offensive Against Cannabis Clubs: A Regression that Threatens the Rights of Individuals Using Cannabis and Its Derivatives

The Metzineres raise our voices against the closure of cannabis clubs.

The Metzineres firmly oppose the decision by the Barcelona City Council, which, through its prohibitive and regressive policies, has imposed economic sanctions and shut down various cannabis social clubs (CSCs) in the city, jeopardizing an internationally recognized model as a safe and responsible alternative to the unregulated cannabis market.

CSCs have been operating in Barcelona for over 25 years. Since then, they have established themselves as a safe place for consumption, providing reliable information to their members, reducing the risks associated with the unregulated market, and promoting an anti-prohibitionist and stigma-free approach.

The equation is simple: cannabis use will not disappear by prohibiting it; consumption will continue, bringing with it criminalization, stigmatization, and the promotion of violent and abusive policies and practices against us.

CSCs have the potential to support and enhance public policy aimed at improving the health and well-being of consumers and their communities. They allow for a comprehensive approach that, in our case, helps to cope with situations of vulnerability and survive the violence faced by women. While the clubs offer objective information and a safe space providing necessary support in case of consumption-related problems, the city council criminalizes us and forces us to resort to illegal and opaque markets.

While countries such as Uruguay, South Africa, Malta, and Germany already have regulatory legal frameworks for CSCs, the Barcelona City Council makes the arbitrary decision to regress, ignoring robust evidence of the benefits of this pioneering model.

The Metzineres assert that it is urgent to develop drug use policies that respect the human rights of consumers and repair the harm caused by prohibition and criminalization, such as gender violence, imprisonment, and economic and social injustice. It is impossible to build, through prohibitionism, a society where the structural causes of exclusion are eliminated and where everyone has the right to a full, dignified, and violence-free life.


Ofensiva contra els clubs cannàbics, un retrocés que atempta contra els drets de les persones que usen cànnabis i els seus derivats

Les Metzineres alcem la veu contra el tancament dels clubs cannàbics.

Les Metzineres ens oposem fermament a la decisió de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona que, amb les seves polítiques prohibicionistes i retrògrades, ha sancionat econòmicament i clausurat diversos clubs socials de cànnabis (CSC) a la ciutat, posant en risc un model internacionalment reconegut com una alternativa segura i responsable al mercat no regulat de cànnabis.

Els CSC funcionen a Barcelona des de fa més de 25 anys. Des d’aleshores s’han anat consolidant com un lloc segur per al consum, oferint informació fiable als seus membres, reduint els riscos associats al mercat no regulat i promovent un enfocament antiprohibicionista i lliure d’estigmes.

L’equació és senzilla: l’ús del cànnabis no desapareixerà prohibint-lo, el seu consum seguirà vigent però portant amb si la criminalització, l’estigmatització i el favoriment de polítiques i pràctiques violentes i abusives contra nosaltres.

Els CSC tenen el potencial d’acompanyar i afavorir una política pública enfocada a la millora de la salut i el benestar de les persones consumidores i les seves comunitats. Permeten un abordatge integral, que en el nostre cas contribueix a suportar les situacions de vulnerabilitat i sobreviure les violències que enfrontem les dones. Mentre que als clubs trobem informació objectiva i un espai segur que ens proporciona el suport necessari en cas de tenir problemes relacionats amb el consum, l’ajuntament ens criminalitza i obliga a recórrer a mercats il·legals i opacs.

Mentre que en països com l’Uruguai, Sud-àfrica, Malta i Alemanya els CSC ja tenen un marc legal regulador, l’Ajuntament de Barcelona pren la decisió arbitrària de retrocedir. Sense atendre la robusta evidència dels beneficis d’aquest model pioner.

Les Metzineres afirmem que és urgent desenvolupar polítiques sobre l’ús de drogues que respectin els drets humans de les persones consumidores i reparin els danys que causa la prohibició i la criminalització, com la violència de gènere, l’empresonament i la injustícia econòmica i social. Perquè és impossible construir, a través del prohibicionisme, una societat on les causes estructurals d’exclusió siguin eliminades i en la qual totes tinguem drets a una vida plena, digna i lliure de violències.


Ofensiva contra los clubes cannábicos, un retroceso que atenta contra los derechos de las personas que usan cannabis y sus derivados

Las Metzineres alzamos la voz contra el cierre de los clubes cannábicos.

Las Metzineres nos oponemos firmemente a la decisión del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona que, con sus políticas prohibicionistas y retrógradas, ha sancionado económicamente y clausurado a distintos clubes sociales de cannabis (CSC) en la ciudad, poniendo en riesgo un modelo internacionalmente reconocido como una alternativa segura y responsable al mercado no regulado de cannabis.

Los CSC funcionan en Barcelona desde hace más de 25 años. Desde aquel entonces se han ido consolidando como un lugar seguro para el consumo, ofreciendo información fiable a sus miembros, reduciendo los riesgos asociados al mercado no regulado y promoviendo un enfoque antiprohibicionista y libre de estigmas.

La ecuación es sencilla: el uso del cannabis no desaparecerá prohibiéndolo, su consumo seguirá vigente pero trayendo consigo la criminalización, estigmatización y el favorecimiento de políticas y prácticas violentas y abusivas contra nosotras

Los CSC tienen la potencialidad de acompañar y favorecer una política pública enfocada a la mejora de la salud y el bienestar de las personas consumidoras y sus comunidades. Permiten un abordaje integral, que en nuestro caso contribuye a sobrellevar las situaciones de vulnerabilidad y sobrevivir las violencias que encaramos las mujerxs. Mientras en los clubs encontramos información objetiva y un espacio seguro que nos provee del apoyo necesario en caso de tener problemas relacionados con el consumo,  el ayuntamiento nos criminaliza y obliga a recurrir a mercados ilegales y opacos.

Mientras en países como Uruguay, Sudáfrica, Malta y Alemania los CSC ya tienen un marco legal regulatorio, el Ayuntamiento de Barcelona toma la decisión arbitraria de retroceder. Sin atender a la robusta evidencia de los beneficios de este modelo pionero.

Las Metzineres afirmamos que es urgente desarrollar políticas sobre el uso de drogas que respeten los derechos humanos de las personas consumidoras y reparen los daños que causa la prohibición y la criminalización, como la violencia de género, el encarcelamiento y la injusticia económica y social. Porque es imposible construir, a través del prohibicionismo, una sociedad donde las causas estructurales de exclusión sean eliminadas y en la que todas tengamos derechos a una vida plena, digna y libre de violencias.


Thousands of voices shouting «Support. Don’t Punish» shook the Rambla del Raval

By Sophia Vargas

On Wednesday, June 26, Metzineres shouted «Support. Don’t Punish,» as part of the Global Day of Action «Support Don’t Punish.» This is how the Rambla del Raval became a vibrant scene of resistance and solidarity where drug users advocated for more humane policies focused on public health and human rights instead of criminalization and punishment.

Early in the morning, Metzineres, along with the Catalan Network of People Who Use Drugs (CATNPUD), the Network of Feminist Antiprohibitionists in the Field of Drugs (REMA), the Ámbit Prevenció Foundation, ABD, and the Network of Women Who Use Drugs (XADUD), gathered to make our message visible: prohibition only serves to punish, stigmatize, and penalize those of us who use drugs, perpetuating various forms of violence on our bodies and our lives, fostering exclusion that leaves us on the margins of society and without our rights.

The activities began with a warm welcome from the neighbors of the Raval neighborhood, who joined in various actions, such as the gymkhana, which consisted of recreational activities involving the community in crucial issues such as antiprohibitionism, institutional violence, sex work, drug use, and the situation of homeless people.

One of the most outstanding activities was the painting of a collective mural, where messages and symbols of resistance and support for people who use drugs and live with HIV/AIDS were captured. The famous mural located at the Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA), «Together We Can Stop AIDS» by artist Keith Haring, was collectively replicated. This iconic artwork conveys a powerful message of unity and collective action, symbolizing the capacity to unite and face challenges together.

Meanwhile, a live radio broadcast gave us the opportunity to learn about the history of prohibitionism in Barcelona. The controversial Plan Endreça, promoted by the city’s public administration, was also discussed, and the negative impact it has on homeless people and drug users, as its measures expose them to more situations of vulnerability and violence.

The radio also served as a platform for the voices of those who have been marginalized to be heard loud and clear. A trans, queer, and bisexual comedian hosted the event, filling the atmosphere with laughter and reinforcing the spirit of inclusion.

The fact that this event took place in a public space had profound significance because the people who are usually on the margins of society occupied the Rambla del Raval, making visible that we deserve and can occupy these spaces, enjoying and expressing ourselves freely without stigma, weaving ties with the community. The neighborhood’s response was very positive.

The day concluded with the conviction that together we can achieve real and significant change to end the criminalization, stigmatization, and violent policies and practices against our communities. As well as ensuring reparation and building a world where the structural causes of exclusion are eliminated and where all people have the right to a full, dignified, and violence-free life.

The global «Support Don’t Punish» day has been held for more than a decade. Since then, it has empowered a global and decentralized network of change agents in drug policy and Harm Reduction.

Photographs: Andre Gaetano, Fotografa Metzineres.